Saturday, May 17, 2008

Grand Ole Opry

March 2008

Visiting backstage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, was a big thrill for me. Something about all those cowboy boots, twangy music and biscuits and gravy really turns me on so I jumped at the chance to experience all this first hand.

Back when I was just a kid, my nana loved watching the Grand Ole Opry on TV. She especially liked Cousin Minnie Pearl and I have some wonderful memories of the hats and get-ups Minnie Pearl used to wear.

The hills and countryside were a riot of colorful spring flowers and blossoms. It was a temptation to find a rocking chair on a verandah and just watch the local street life. The people are extremely friendly and the slow, southern accents sound musical to my westerner’s ears.

Now, back to biscuits and gravy, you don’t even want to know what that gravy is made from, and I know it’s not on my Weight Watcher’s recommended diet, but oh my, it is delicious!

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